New to Cards

New to card payments ?

Accepting card payments with CardPass is simple. There are a whole host of reasons to start accepting card payments in your business today. The number of debit card payments overtook the number of payments made by cash in 2017 — for the first time ever according to UK Finance, a year earlier than anticipated.


The Average Transaction Value of a business is typically increased by between 25% and 40% when card payments are introduced and consumer behavior and spending patterns indicate that businesses that don’t accept card payments, could well get left behind.  What’s more, accepting card payments means less cash and cheques to deposit, so you’re likely to incur fewer bank fees.


Whether you’re a start up business, online entrepreneur or want a convenient way for customers to pay, CardPass have the solution. With a short 12-24 month contract options and a pricing package to suit to you, get your FREE quote today.

How much does it cost to accept card payments?

The credit card processing fees depend on several factors. We can let you know the cost breakdown once we get to know a bit more about your business, such as the nature of your business, turnover and the type of card machine you’ll need to process payments (either Countertop, Portable or Mobile card machines or online and virtual payments). The merchant services charges are what you pay on each transaction and we can find the pricing plan and rates for your business needs.

How long does it take for the money to reach my bank?

With most other providers, it takes 2-5 business days. We understand that cashflow is king for small businesses so when you start accepting card payments with CardPass, you get access to same day settlement for face to face transactions with Faster Payments. This means the days takings can be in your account by dinner time!  For online payments it will take an average of four to five days for card payments to clear.


  • 3rd Floor , 86-90 Paul Street London EC2A 4NE
  • (080) 0 5244710


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