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New to Cards

New to card payments ? Accepting card payments with CardPass is simple. There are a whole host of reasons to start accepting card payments in your business today. The number of debit card payments overtook the number of payments made by cash in 2017 — for the first time ever according to UK Finance, a […]
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Why Switch

Why Switch to CardPass We understand how important a reliable, fast and affordable card payment system is to you and your business. Our card payment solutions are simple to set up. Free review of your current charges and advice from a payments specialist Save up to 50% on your card processing charges Small business specialists […]
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PCI DSS compliance

PCI DSS compliance What is PCI DSS compliance? Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a global security initiative.  PCI DSS is a set of mandatory requirements that apply to all businesses taking credit and debit card payments and is designed to protect the security of your business, your customers and the banks. […]
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